
I'm a Southern California girl living in the Bay area. Primarily, I'm a scientist.  Underneath it all, I'm a foodie, designer, and creative consultant.

I'll try just about anything at least once.

Stinky cheese, obscure cuisine, and creative preparations are among my favorite things. Many of my friends are among the " we prefer to assemble our food rather than cook " club. I'm their Italian mama - If you walk in my door, I'd love to feed you.

I decided to start Verditi to share the pretty things and delicious food I find in everyday life.

Maybe a little science, too. 

Traveling is a passion of mine. I love to touch the pulse of a vibrant town, order a coffee in the local language, and take pictures of unexpected beauty with my iphone. I'd love to expand my abilities with a camera over the next couple of years.

I'm fluent in several languages and always trying to learn more! Write me in your native tongue and I will do my best to respond in kind :) Pen pals are the best way to challenge my skills!

That's all for now. If you want to see something added or have me try a recipe, just let me know!
